Friday, August 8, 2008

Fun with the Neighbors!

I am so excited to have neighbors! And, I am even more excited that they have children: a girl who is 4 and a boy who is 1. And, I am excited that they are friendly and actually like to talk. The dad invited Turner and I over the other evening so Turner could enjoy their huge blow-up water slide while Wes was at a church meeting. So, we ended up staying for about 2 hours. Turner had a blast. The mom is a PT, she runs marathons (DeAnn, she showed me the rest of the running trail that we totally missed the other day), and she is really nice. The dad is a basketball coach for a highschool in this area and he likes to drink beer- automatic friend for Wes! So, we all win! Now we just need more neighbors that we like with kids: (HINT TO CASEY AND STEVE!!!).
Turner climbing the wrong way of course onto the water slide

Lexie and Turner sliding down.

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