My baby boy is turning 4 this week and to celebrate the big occasion, we had a party at my parents' home on the Lake. My parents rented a huge water slide and my dad fried fish. We had great friends come out and party with us: The Arnolds, Normands, 1/2 of the Turners, and 2/3 of the Farrars. Thanks to all for great gifts and good times!
Turner, Lexie, and the new kitty
Turner trying out the water slide
Turner's face after the first slide
Turner, Wes, and Zack
Wes and Zack
Lexie, Turner, and Anden
Lexie and PatrickTurner blowing out the candles
Cutting the cake
Turner and Anden trying on the new presents Turner got! Turner is an LSU TIger and Anden is Spiderman