This was by far the best Halloween I have ever had! Turner was so cute trick or treating in his costume and going door to door asking for candy!
Turner had a school party on Friday. They wore their costumes, got goodie bags, and got their face painted. Turner had his 'nametag' painted on his face (he seriously called it his nametag!).
And, he had a ghost painted on his cheek.
Halloween night the Harvills and Normands (our next door neighbors) came to join in on our trick or treat fun.
Spider Man (aka Gibson), Pirate Gamble, and Red Power Ranger Turner.
My dad had the honors to pull these kids in the wagon.

This was the first trick or treat house. Lexie and Turner fought over who was going to ring the doorbell. And, then when the owner came to the door, Turner just walked right in. It took him awhile to get the concept of just asking for candy and not inviting himself in!
The owner also had to tell Turner that he had gotten enough candy for his bag. (Turner must know that we are in a recession at our house!!)
Lexie and Zack enjoying a ride in their wagon. Zack is testing out his candy!
Look, Mimi!

Can you tell that I asked him to pose by the graveyard signs?
Turner's turn to pull Gamble in the wagon as fast as he can going downhill.
This house's owner and family were dressed up like pirates! The kids were speechless when the owner came to the door to pass out the candy. It was priceless.

Spider Man (aka Gibson), Pirate Gamble, and Red Power Ranger Turner.

This was the first trick or treat house. Lexie and Turner fought over who was going to ring the doorbell. And, then when the owner came to the door, Turner just walked right in. It took him awhile to get the concept of just asking for candy and not inviting himself in!

Can you tell that I asked him to pose by the graveyard signs?